PHOBIA is an extreme fear, morbid dread on something.
Note that ordinary fear is not PHOBIA. If you don't know what kind of PHOBIA you have, maybe you can find here, just stay takes minute to read this blog.
acrophobia fear of high places (like top of building)
acrophobia fear of a high elevation (like plane riding)
agoraphobia fear of large open spaces or open places like in a desert
aichmophobia fear of knives
ailurophobia fear of cats
amageiricophobia intense fear of having to cook
amathophobia fear of dust
anatidaephobia the fear that whatever you are, a duct is watching
androphobia fear of man by a woman
anemophobia fear of wind
angoraphobia fear of soft sweaters and rabbits
anthropophobia fear of men or of human beings
arachnophobia fear of spiders
archibutyrophobia fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
astraphobia fear of depths
batrachophobia fear of frogs
belonophobia fear of needles
botophobia fear of cellars
bibliophobia fear of books
chionophobia fear of snow
climacophobia fear of stairs
coitophobia fear of sexual intercourse
cynophobia fear of dogs
dipsophobia fear of alcoholic
ergophobia fear of work
eurotophobia fear of female genitals
gamaphobia fear of marriage
geraphobia fear of old age
gerontophobia fear of old men
graphophobia fear of writing
gynephobia fear of women
heliophobia fear of sunlight
hematophobia fear of blood
heortophobia fear of holidays
hippopbobia fear of horses
hodophobia fear of travel
homichlophobia / aquaphobia fear of water
hypnophobia fear of sleep
iatrophobia fear of doctors
ichthyophobia fear of fish
iophobia the fear of rust
katagelophobia fear of ridicule
lyssophobia fear of insanity
monophobia/autophobia fear of solitude or of being alone
maieusiophobia fear of childbirth
metrophobia fear of motherhood
musophobia fear of telling lies
necrophobia/thanatophobia fear of death
nosophobia or pathophobia fear of disease
nyctophobia fear of darkness
ochlophobia fear of crowd or mobs
ombrophobia fear of rain
ophidiophobia fear of snakes
pantaphobia morbid dread of everything without particular cause
pediculophobia fear of lice
pedophobia fear of children
peniophobia fear of poverty
phasmophobia fear of ghosts
photophobia fear of light
phronemophobia fear of thingking
plutophobia fear of wealth
pognophobia fear of beards
potamophobia fear of rivers
pyrophobia fear of fire
quadruphobia fear of four-way stops and not knowing who goes next
scelerophobia fear of burglars
siderophobia fear of stars
sitophobia fear of food or aversion to food
spectropobia fear of mirrors
taeniophobia fear of tapeworms
taphephobia fear of ocean
taxiphobia fear of poison or of being poisoned (toxicophobia)
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13
xenophobia fear of strangers
Note that ordinary fear is not PHOBIA. If you don't know what kind of PHOBIA you have, maybe you can find here, just stay takes minute to read this blog.
acrophobia fear of high places (like top of building)
acrophobia fear of a high elevation (like plane riding)
agoraphobia fear of large open spaces or open places like in a desert
aichmophobia fear of knives
ailurophobia fear of cats
amageiricophobia intense fear of having to cook
amathophobia fear of dust
anatidaephobia the fear that whatever you are, a duct is watching
androphobia fear of man by a woman
anemophobia fear of wind
angoraphobia fear of soft sweaters and rabbits
anthropophobia fear of men or of human beings
arachnophobia fear of spiders
archibutyrophobia fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
astraphobia fear of depths
batrachophobia fear of frogs
belonophobia fear of needles
botophobia fear of cellars
bibliophobia fear of books
chionophobia fear of snow
climacophobia fear of stairs
coitophobia fear of sexual intercourse
cynophobia fear of dogs
dipsophobia fear of alcoholic
ergophobia fear of work
eurotophobia fear of female genitals
gamaphobia fear of marriage
geraphobia fear of old age
gerontophobia fear of old men
graphophobia fear of writing
gynephobia fear of women
heliophobia fear of sunlight
hematophobia fear of blood
heortophobia fear of holidays
hippopbobia fear of horses
hodophobia fear of travel
homichlophobia / aquaphobia fear of water
hypnophobia fear of sleep
iatrophobia fear of doctors
ichthyophobia fear of fish
iophobia the fear of rust
katagelophobia fear of ridicule
lyssophobia fear of insanity
monophobia/autophobia fear of solitude or of being alone
maieusiophobia fear of childbirth
metrophobia fear of motherhood
musophobia fear of telling lies
necrophobia/thanatophobia fear of death
nosophobia or pathophobia fear of disease
nyctophobia fear of darkness
ochlophobia fear of crowd or mobs
ombrophobia fear of rain
ophidiophobia fear of snakes
pantaphobia morbid dread of everything without particular cause
pediculophobia fear of lice
pedophobia fear of children
peniophobia fear of poverty
phasmophobia fear of ghosts
photophobia fear of light
phronemophobia fear of thingking
plutophobia fear of wealth
pognophobia fear of beards
potamophobia fear of rivers
pyrophobia fear of fire
quadruphobia fear of four-way stops and not knowing who goes next
scelerophobia fear of burglars
siderophobia fear of stars
sitophobia fear of food or aversion to food
spectropobia fear of mirrors
taeniophobia fear of tapeworms
taphephobia fear of ocean
taxiphobia fear of poison or of being poisoned (toxicophobia)
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13
xenophobia fear of strangers